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Create a data.frame with time-series information by simulation and year


get_ts(x, variable = "Spawning Biomass", model = "Model 1", scale = NULL)



# S3 method for class 'Hist'
get_ts(x, variable = "Spawning Biomass", model = "Model 1", scale = NULL)

# S3 method for class 'MSE'
get_ts(x, variable = "Spawning Biomass", model = "Model 1", scale = NULL)

# S3 method for class 'list'
get_ts(x, variable = "Spawning Biomass", model = "Model 1", scale = NULL)

# S3 method for class 'multiHist'
get_ts(x, variable = "Spawning Biomass", model = "Model 1", scale = NULL)

# S3 method for class 'MMSE'
get_ts(x, variable = "Spawning Biomass", model = "Model 1", scale = NULL)

get_Biomass(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_Landings(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_Removals(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_Recruits(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_SSB(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_SB_SBMSY(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_F(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_Biomass_at_Age(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_Number_at_Age(x, model = "Model 1", ...)

get_SSB_at_Age(x, model = "Model 1", ...)



An object of class Hist, MSE, or a list of Hist or MSE objects


A character string with a valid name for a time-series variable. Use valid_ts_variables() for valid variable names.


An optional name for the model. If x is a list of objects, model will be taken from names(x). If names(x) is NULL, model will be given sequential numerical values (e.g., Model 1, Model 2, ...)


An optional function with a single numeric argument that returns transformed or scaled numeric values. See lb2kg and kg2lb for example. Can be a list of functions for list objects (NA for no transformation)


named arguments passed to get_ts